Meet Scarlet Chan, Our New Wine, Beer & Spirits Specialist

We're so thrilled to welcome Scarlet Chan to the Market Family as Wine, Beer & Spirits Specialist! Scarlet brings a ton of passion and experience that will connect our community with exciting products in the growing wine, beer and spirits category at The Market. Read more on our Blog about the great things Scarlet has planned!

Tell us a bit about your background, and your journey into wine?

It started back in my college days when I used to wait tables to help pay the bills. I started to work for the Simms Group in Southern California - working with renowned chef David Lefevre (Founder, Owner & Chef at Manhattan Beach Post, Fishing with Dynamite, and The Arthur J) and his operator director and Beverage Director - Jerry Garbus.  

This was a pivotal experience for me, as it touched on my passion for wine and food. I come from an immigrant family that’s really into different flavors and styles of cuisine, so it was very natural to take on wine as a passion. The more I got exposed to it, the deeper I wanted to go. I went from server to bartender and then to Sommelier for the restaurant, obtaining my Level 2 Certification with the Court of Master Sommelier in 2015. 

I wanted to further my knowledge and education in wine production, so I worked my first harvest at Brack Mountain Wine Co. in Russian River Valley, CA. In my time there, I dove in - learning how to make wines, like Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, which the company specialized in. (Fun fact: I even learned how to drive a forklift!) My hands-on approach in understanding the winemaking process and the meticulousness it takes to produce a quality bottle of wine/beer/spirits is something I do not take lightly.

I was hired as an Account Specialist by Epic Wines and Spirits right after harvest in 2015 and moved to the Bay Area in 2016 where I’d experience the distribution side of the wine business, and work directly with independent grocers and fine wine retailers.  

At the end of the day, wine is a medium that brings people together. Food and wine are about community building, sharing something that you love with the people you care about. Now, I’m thrilled to assume this new role at The Market. For me, it sits at the intersection of my love of wine, food, and community - and I’m so excited to get to know our customers and help them discover new tastes and experiences.

What is your vision at The Market? 

First, I want to focus on an interactive experience with our customers. Ultimately, we want our customers to love their wine (and beer and spirits!) So I want to get to know our community and carry the items that they care about. 

Great wines come from all over the world. So as far as our selection, my focus is to develop a well-rounded selection with gems from the various regions, and a strong local offering as well which supports all the great local producers around us.

And in line with The Market’s vision, the character matters. When sourcing our product, I like to understand how the grapes are grown and/or source, how wineries treat their workers, production details, aging, and cellaring. The intention behind how each producer approaches wine-making is really important. Having worked a harvest, I have insight into the business side of wine - and the end to end process, which I’m excited to bring to our selection. I want our customers to feel confident that when they come into The Market, they know they’re supporting a good family, great wineries, and getting a great product.  

What are some of your favorites?

Honestly, I don’t have a single favorite. Generally, I love champagnes, Sancerre, Bordeaux, and Brunello di Montalcino.

What’s the biggest misconception about wine out there?

Not so much of a misconception, but I feel that some folks may be intimidated by wine -- perhaps because they don't know how to approach the category and select the wine they might like. I want to help break that barrier and help people to discover the wines they love. I want them to feel confident that whatever they get is going to be something they’re proud to bring home and enjoy, or present it to their friends and family and share it and feel confident it will be delicious.

What are some of your other passions?

I’m a certified Yoga instructor. I love surfing - I met my husband surfing in Costa Rica. I love everything about food - talking about it, making it, eating it... I love discovering new dishes and flavors.

Have questions or suggestions for Scarlet? DM us on Instagram at @themarket_atedgewood

Did you know? You get 10% OFF your purchase of 6+ bottles of wine at The Market